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aBoUt Us

OuR LiFe StOrY..

HoW diD wE mEeT:

We were introduced to each other when he fetched our friend (suzanne) in our school.. It was raining during that time.. Actually, we were introduced by chance coz' Angelique was with our friend when Kenneth fetched her so our friend introduced us..
NOTE: Kenneth's first impression with Angelique was snobbish and mean..
           Angelique's first impression with Kenneth was long haired guy
            and snobbish..

HoW diD wE FiNaLLy TaLk WiTh EaCh OtHeR:

Months have passed since we were introduced.. We started talking when Suzanne gave Kenneth's cellphone number to Angelique.. So, they started exchanging messages.. One night, Kenneth asked Angelique's landline number.. Because of it, they started to talk on the phone... Kenneth calls Angelique frequently.. Whenever they talk, Angelique always talk and Kenneth always listen.. That's why Kenneth finds Angelique boring..  We became really close.. We talked about everything.. We shared secrets and problems.. Though we talked frequently, our closeness didn't affect it.. The reason why Kenneth calls Angelique frequently is that Angelique was really busy with her schoolwork and had no time to use the phone.. Of course, even though she had a hectic schedule, she took a time off just to talk to Kenneth..

ThE SeCoNd TiMe We SaW eAcH oThEr:

The Lord of the Rings was showing.. Kenneth invited Angelique to go with him to see the movie.. Angelique was playing tennis at Palms.. Kenneth went to Palms to see Angelique.. That was time when they really saw each other face to face.. Kenneth brought Rap and Jeric with him.. Angelique and Kenneth spent time together then Kenneth left because they have to see the movie and Angelique cannot come with them.. Angelique had a crush on Kenneth.. Though, Kenneth doesn't want to believe Angelique..

FoRcEs oF AtTrActiOn:

When the first few days of January 2004, Kenneth and Angelique talked on the phone every night.. One time, Kenneth visited Angelique at school.. Since then, they were inseparable.. They always talk on the phone for hours.. Kenneth visits Angelique  whenever he's available..

FiNaL mOmEnT:

January 16, 2004: Angelique stayed in school late at night because her section held a party.. Kenneth planned to go to her school to see her.. So, he did.. He went to school when the party already ended.. Angelique and Kenneth didn't have the time to talk that much because it was late and Angelique had to go home.. Then, about 11:30pm... Kenneth called Angelique.. Kenneth asked her if she could be her girlfriend.. Angelique said "yes!".. Then, they became a couple..